Friday, February 22, 2013


I couldn’t move. I decided it was because my clothes were too heavy. But really, the sky was too captivating. I was weak. I needed to be captivated. My limbs became loose, and the wind began commanding.

And the storm hugged me.              
I welcomed the sting. The sting concealed my body, and painted me with a mask. He was my favorite layer. He felt clean. The wet was so kind. He burned a little. But Rain loved me. He stayed with me when dry warmth had lied.     

       And with a humble blanket, Rain covered my withering body.

The storm was heavy. But the lightning was weightless. She lifted my blanket and I felt exposed. My eyes were too weak to be flashed with so many weaknesses. She mocked me. But I could not move. I had no strength to mock her back. Then she left, and my pain was again hidden in the mess of darkness.   
And Lightning showed me that I was truly alone.

The thunder was the most generous. He handed me a seamless moment of distraction. His voice rang with beautiful power, holding me in his strong grasp. My broken soul began to relax to his heart-shaking lullaby. And I felt safe. And no one could hear me. And I couldn’t hear myself. 

And thunder drowned out what my ears could not. 

  And for a flawless instant, I felt complete.    

And for a flawless instant, I forgot that I wasn’t.


  1. I think I can speak for the lack of comments. This is too wonderful to describe, and for a flawless instant, I was speechless. Keep writing.

  2. Amen Scriver, it was (can't think of the perfect word)

  3. Woah... You have an unbelievable talent for writing. This is beautiful.

  4. I love this. All your writing is so captivating and beautiful.
